I had a paper accepted for a conference at University of Virginia - UVA is a great university, so I feel like this is a great opportunity. The conference is on 13-14 March, so I'd better get cracking and write a new version of this paper soon - most likely that'll happen over Spring Break. The paper is, broadly, on intersections between "thing theory" and travel theory. (Yes, I think the first has a preposterous enough title to warrant the would-be air-quotes-on-the-page.) I wrote about Samuel Johnson's Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland at the end of last year - for this paper I'll be cutting that in half, and adding a little comparison to how Samuel Johnson's traveller compares to Bruce Chatwin's in The Songlines. Yes, I realise that sounds a little crazy, but I have ideas...
Speaking of Spring Break, I was having a Spring Break breakdown over the weekend - trying to decide where on earth to go. I was dreaming of New Mexico and El Paso, Texas, but it's just not going to happen. It's too extravagant - and there are two conferences I'm going to in March, so I'll need to save a little to get to both of these. Instead it looks like it will be West Virginia: Harper's Ferry, which is very pretty. I'm thinking however of hiring a car for a few days, and driving around West Virginia a little bit - I found a list of ghost towns in the state, and thought that could be interesting. Hopefully a plan will crystallise in the next few days...